(From Fecal Forces Zeen October 2007)



Australian project presented many diverse disc, 7 things in some 36 minutes, which move in the industrial / ambient direction, and the neo-folk and black metal contacts, depending on things to things. produkcija je cista, gotovo klinicki, i daje hladno sintetsku atmosferu, sto mi pase. production is clean, almost clinical, and gives sintetsku cold atmosphere, which we feed. jednostavne ideje za svaku stvar, ali disk ne zvuci previse predvidljivo, bas zbog raznolikosti u pristupu. simple ideas for every thing, but the disc does not sound too predictable, because of differences in approach. c/b stampani omot, koji se fino nadovezuje na atmosferu same muzike, koju kako sam autor to cini je najbolje opisat rijecju - gnomi. b / w print pack, which builds on the familiar atmosphere of the music, which as the author seems to best describe the word - gnome. mracno, ali i nekak bajkovito, onako fina, nepretenciozna, ali fer odradjena zvucna groteska. dark, but somehow bajkovito, just fine, unpretentious, but fair odradena sound grotesque.
